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Baseline Quiz

Lets get a baseline on your metacognitive calibration when being assessed on recently-learned geoscience material. View the video below and answer the quiz questions. This is not just a normal quiz, however. After answering each question, you will report the level of confidence you have in your answer in the box below your answer selection. We will use this confidence data to assess your calibration ability after the quiz. First, lets consider some important elements of the activity:

1. Learning Objectives:

What are learning objectives? - These are important concepts identified within the material that can be related as "I can..." statements and are meant to guide your learning. They will also serve as the basis for the assessment of your learning after considering the video in the quiz form so keep them in mind throughout the video and the subsequent quiz!

2. GeoScience Videos YouTubeChannel/Blog:

What are these videos in the quiz forms? - The method of instruction chosen for this tutorial are short, content-oriented videos created by the Geoscience Learning Process Research Group at North Carolina State University (of which the author is a member). These are designed to utilize objective-oriented instruction and multi-channel (audatory and visual) content delivery to introduce important concepts in the geosciences. If you are interested in learning more from or about the videos consider the following links:

GeoScience Videos YouTube Channel - Contains 20+ videos on important geoscience concepts


GeoScience Videos Blog - Explains our methodology and provides assessment resources for each of the videos. These assessments were adapted for the quizzes in this tutorial.

3. Form format:

How will we get this baseline? - You will get a baseline understanding of your metacognitive awareness through the consideration of and subsequent assessment of geoscience materials. After viewing a video (see above) and making some predictions, you will take a quiz on the learning objectives you set out to achieve from watching each video. This is no ordinary quiz, however! For each question, you will be asked to rank your level of confidence on a scale from 0-10. This allows you to not only "think about your thinking" (an important facet of metacognition), but to provide a metric to measure your performance and something called your "calibration" (which you will learn about in other sections of the tutorial!

4. Obtaining your results:

How do I get my results? - Once you click "Submit Form" your responses will be sent to the cloud and your results tabulated. You will then emailed a Google Doc containing both some advice on how to better your performance on the important concepts within the video and your calibration throughout the activity based on the comparision between your performance on questions and your confidence related to your performance. (See "Calibration" page for more info)

So, without further ado...

Once you've finished the activity, continue on by clicking the next section "What is metacognition?" above. Or to find out more about the methodology behind the form click "analysis" under the main icon. Either way, you will use the header above to navigate through each section of the tutorial.

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